The Pragmema Project is an independent research project whose subject is Russian everyday life as perceived in collective symbolical practices.
Pragmemas are the primary matrices of perception and interpretation which create our reality and it is they, naturally, which form the scenarios for our actions. Today’s Russian citizen, formed by the naïve positivism of the country's native schools of thought, knows little about the practices of his or her own daily life, that is the daily business, with which we are all preoccupied (without ever letting go of our electronic 'gadgets')- the business of recognizing, controlling, loving, accepting and giving gifts, weeding our parent’s vegetable patches at the dacha, choosing our clothes or our children’s education , adding to our photos in social networks, tending our graves, and so on and so forth.
In St. Petersburg Kirill Sokolov’s name is little known. However, his work has received wide recognition, not only in Russian galleries but also in Europe and the US.